This article provides an overview of the functions in Lightspeed that will be used by Administrators.
Here on the Dashboard, Admin will have access to Reports, Users, and Groups.
On the Dashboard designated to your school Group, you're able to see an overview of Users, Website Visits, Website Blocks, Searches, Videos, Top Blocks, Users by Time Last Seen, Top Searches, Top Websites, and Top Browsing Activities.
Lightspeed features a variety of reports; including Internet Overview, Blocked, Flagged, Overridden, Searches, Videos, Web Activity Log, and Online Activity. You can access Reports by navigating to Reports on the left side navigation menu.
Internet Overview
The Internet Overview report provides a snapshot of APS groups internet usage for a selected date range. The data displayed in the Internet Overview report is categorized by Websites, Top Activities, Top Websites, and Top Groups. This page also provides total counts for Websites Visited, Websites Blocked, Searched Blocked, and Flagged terms.
- Websites
Hover over any point on the Websites graph to see the date and number of sites visited or blocked. This graph displays all dates within the selected date range.
- Totals
This category displays a total count for Websites Visited, Websites Blocked, Searches Blocked, and Flagged terms. Click on any of these items to view a comprehensive report for each item.
- Top Activities
The Top Activities category measures Internet usage (in percent) of all users within that Group, for the selected date range. Click on View All to view the complete list of Internet Activities and request data.
Click on any activity to view more details about the activity such as visits, websites, average website per person, and the most active day of the week. The activity details page also includes a timeline of activity usage, a list of top websites within the activity, and a list of the activity’s top groups. Example when selecting Top Activities > Education:
Top Websites
The list of top websites includes the site URL and total visit count of the most-visited sites.
Top Groups
This list shows the Top Groups (by visit) for APS.
The Blocked report lists all blocked websites, the category to which the websites belong, the number of blocks, and the number of users who attempted to access each blocked website. You can open the Blocked report by navigating to Reports > Blocked. You can use this report to see which blocked websites your users are attempting to access, to see how the top blocked websites are categorized, and to see exactly which users are accessing blocked websites. The report lists blocked websites under the Website column, the category to which each websites pertains under the Category column, the number of blocks under the Blocks column and the number of users who attempted to access the blocked site under the Users column. You can sort the results in ascending or descending order by Website, Category, Blocks, or Users by clicking the corresponding column header.
You can set the date range for the report by clicking the data box on the top right and selecting one of the presets (Today, Last 7 Days, Last 30 Days) or inputting a custom date range. Click Apply to apply the date range.
You can export the report in email form by clicking the export button. You will receive a confirmation that the report is processing.
The Flagged report identifies all search terms and page content that has been flagged as inappropriate, their danger level, the number of flags, and the number of users who searched for the specific term. You can open the Blocked report by navigating to Reports > Flagged. You can use this report to see what your top flagged terms are, which flagged terms are associated with which danger level, the number of times each flagged term gets searched, and which specific users search for each flagged term.
The Overridden report identifies all blocked websites that were overridden by users with Override privileges, as well as the category into which the website is categorized, the number of overrides, and the number of users who generated the override. You can open the Overridden report by navigating to Reports > Overridden. You can use this report to see what your most common overridden websites are, which categories contain the most overrides, and which users are overriding the blocked websites.
The Searches report identifies all user searches, including the search term, the number of times it was searched, and the number of users who searched for it. You can open the Searches report by navigating to Reports > Searches. You can use this report to see what your most popular searches are, what your users are searching for, and which users are searching for specific search terms.
The Videos report identifies all videos watched by your users, including the video title, the number of views, and the number of users that watched the video. You can open the Video report by navigating to Reports > Videos. You can use this report to see which videos your users are watching, what the most popular videos are, whether or not your users are watching inappropriate videos, and which users are watching which videos.
Web Activity Log
The Web Activity Log is a report that gives you a more detailed look into web activity. This powerful report pulls all activity into a single spot to allow for deep investigations into web activity. It also has search and filter tools to let you get to just the information you want.The Report can be found by navigating to Reports > Web Activity Logs.
Online Activity
Online Activity provides a snapshot of which students were online over the course of the previous seven days, and what the general device usage looked like during that time.
- Activity by Time of DayThis will show you the amount of online activity for all students, broken down by time of day, represented as a horizontal bar graph. You will also be able to see how much of each time period's activity was education-related and non-education-related.
Activity by Time of Week
This will show you the amount of online activity for all students, broken down by day of the week, represented as a vertical bar graph. This will also show how much of each day's activity was educational vs. non-educational.
Active Students by Hour of Day
This will show the percentage of active students, broken down by time of day, represented as a horizontal bar graph.
Active Students by Day of Week
This will show you the number of active students, broken down by day of the week, represented as a vertical bar graph.
The next widgets down focus on active student counts throughout the day and the week. You can see how close you are to your goals, be it weekly goals or time-based attendance goals, this report can help you in accessing your progress.
Inactive Users
Use this list to double-check that your students are able to get online and identify those who may be struggling. This list contains clickable names of students who have not been active. It also includes the last date that they were seen online. Click the icon on the top right of this list to download it.
Lowest Educational Usage
Use this list to identify students who may be struggling to stay on-task, and help them get refocused on learning. This list contains clickable names of students who accessed a low percentage of education-related sites. Click the icon on the top right of this list to download it.
The power of the dashboard is really in your ability to drill down into individual schools, and even groups so that your information is more honed to specific users. This will help get the right information into the correct hands.
The Users tab on the left side navigation menu is where you go to easily manage student users in your designated APS Group. By default, students are organized alphabetically and the table gives a quick overview showing their name, user type, grade level, and the number of groups they're in. You can quickly find a user by entering their first and last name, or student ID in the search bar, or navigate through the list of students by clicking the left and right arrows.
Click on a students name to open the User Information Panel. This panel displays specific reporting data about the selected student, and is divided into sections. The Overview and Website History tabs summarize usage by the student and allow you to drill in to see as much detail as you need, the Rules tab summarizes the filtering rules that are applied to this student, the Details tab offers details about the student themselves.
The Website History tab gives you a more comprehensive look at a students web activity. You can filter by date range and various categories of web activity.
The Rules tab shows you all of the browsing policies that are in place for this user. You can also check whether or not a URL should be accessible to a student.
Administrators will be designated a Group based on their school.
You can create groups inside of your School Group for special cases.
Example: You can create groups for individual students to block specific sites . You can find more information on this in the Lightspeed Creating Individual Student Groups & Blocking Sites Article.
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